Saturday 17 October 2015


Today at ACET!
Today, in ACET I was watching the film "Inside Out". It was great. Have you watched this film? If you have not, it's OK, I will tell you right now. In the film, there is Riley, her mom, dad, friends and her 5 emotions.There are Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Angry. Those emotions are control Riley feeling.

Move to Minnesota
When her family moved to Minnesota, she was felling bad because she miss everything in Minnesota. Her emotions are trying to make she happy. But Joy and Sadness was lost. Riley can't happy. 3 emotions in head quarter are making trouble.She become a bad girl. All her islands are gone. Joy and Sadness need to go back to fix everything.

Back to normal
When Joy and Sadness come home and turn everything to normal, Riley was happy again. She feels great and has a good live in San Francisco.

                                                                       -The End-


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