Saturday 17 October 2015

Inside Out Movie By Hieu

Today, I watched a great movie "Inside Out". It's a happy ending. Let's start! There're five characters: Sadness, Anger, Joy, Fear and Disgust. They're inside Riley - a girl born in Munnesota who likes playing hockey. They're inside her to make her feel things. Bing Bong - is Riley imaginary friend.

Riley in San Fran
First, Riley moves to San Fran to a new house. There was a dead rat and the house is very dirty. Riley's room is very small and she doesn't like it.

Joy and Sadness went away
She cried first day at school because Joy and Sadness is went away from the brain. From that time, she played hockey very badly.

Then she has an idea to run away from the new house to go back to Minnesota. She steals her mom's credit card to buy the ticket but Joy and Sadness came back to the brain and fixed it!

                                                                       -The End-

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