Saturday 17 October 2015

inside Out movie by sinh

 Today at ACET
Today at Acet we were watching inside out at 9pm they are anger sadness joy ......the movie talks about Riley.

 Riley characters
Riley is a cool girl .She can play hockey very well .anger always angry when he angry his head is burn i think it is very cool sadness always cry because cry make she feel good joy always make Riley happy .

Riley was born in Minnesota she is 12 years old.One day her family go to San Francisco and she has a new house it is a very bad house and joy and sadness lost but they meet Bing Bong a Riley's imaginary friend he is an elephant cat and dolphin he is a cool friend .anger make Riley want to go out new house but joy and sadness go back and Riley doesn't want to go out out this home .this is a cool movie g....o...o...d....b..y..e. .

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