Saturday 17 October 2015

inside out by trung hieu

Hay, i had a new movies last ninght i saw , this was the movie, named Inside out and i want to share it with you .

Riley's emtion
Do you know It has 8 dierffent characters. One is happy but her is joy , she is funny woman , she is smile allday , she alaway makes riley fun and she was bron fist. Next is sad she call sadness , she alaway sad ,sad everything , she want touch the memory ball is joy ,she have blue and make trouble for joy go out the brain is riley . then is angry , he is a man . He alaway angru and crazy and he alaway fingfht fear . next is fear , he afair or scared of everything and he make the scared for riley is clow, tiger and most are there is vegetable. And finenely is digust , she alaway jealais everything and she have body green like a vegetable.

Main character

Riley is a littel gril have 11 year old , she like eatins pizza and playing ice hockey , she roller shater ice verry well , she make her team hockey in school have a new cup , she have one inmagination boy fiend and he alway said '' I can die for riley ''     


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